The Early Years
iCornerstone is the second generation of Cornerstone Consulting, Inc., a residential construction consulting company Richard Connolly of Weymouth, MA founded in 1988.
Cornerstone was the subject of many articles that appeared in The Boston Sunday Globe, the Patriot Ledger, and Success Magazine.
As Cornerstone’s spokesman, Connolly published numerous articles in The Boston Sunday Globe and Boston Magazine, frequently appeared as a guest on Boston T.V. and talk radio programs, and was quoted in U.S. News and World Report, Money Magazine, Boston Magazine, The Boston Globe, and the Patriot Ledger.
With rare exception, his clients never went over budget, overpaid a contractor, or refused payment without cause. Many undertook complex remodeling projects or extensive renovations that Connolly chronicled in The Boston Sunday Globe with the theme: real projects, by real people, at real prices.
Our vision is as fresh and exciting as it was then and combines proven methods and operational procedures with the latest technology.
We empower the consumer to research and control a new home, remodeling, or renovation project with unparalleled ease and organization while saving time, money, and endless aggravation.
iCornerstone asserts that building and remodeling are about relationships, first and foremost, not construction.
These relationships may be established too early or late or be unbalanced because neither party enters them with full knowledge or understanding of the other.
The Problem
Today’s consumer protection laws and contractor rating or referral sites concentrate on the homeowner-contractor connection while ignoring other impactful relationships, such as regulators, utilities, designers, engineers, surveyors, and suppliers.
They do not present residential building and remodeling as a process that starts with research and ends with a finished product.
Hiring a contractor is but one phase in that process; the work yet another.
The Solution
iCornerstone is a comprehensive solution that networks all parties and provides transparency, accountability, risk management, and control over the process.
By placing the consumer in charge, we offer a cost effective, sensible alternative to the general contractor service model, a relationship that is a conflict of interest.
Everyone knows what everyone else knows, information is accessible, decentralized, and shared, and the paradigm shifts from power and control to collaboration and cooperation.
The consumer – not the contractor – drives a process that benefits everyone.